
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Refleksi Minggu 14


Hari ini tiada kuliah. He..he...
Tapi kami ada pembentangan perisian. Fuhhh... bertungkus lumus menyiapkan perisian... Akhirnya hari yang dinanti tiba juga. Alhamdulillah, Halizah yang sedang menunggu hari melahirkan bayi keempat sempat untuk sama-sama membentangkan perisian kami.

Kumpulan saya memilih untuk menjadi pembentang terakhir.

Kumpulan Cik Hazwani , Encik Murad dan Encik Zul

Mereka membangun perisian Pembelajaran Pra Sekolah Bahasa Melayu. Perisian yang menarik dan penuh warna-warni sesuai untuk anak-anak prasekolah, Linus, Galus dan Pendidikan Khas.

 Kumpulan Diyana, Rafidah dan Faridanura

Mereka membangunkan perisian Pendidikan Islam Tingkatan 4 Lambaian Kaabah. Perisian yang kemas dan menarik. Sangat sesuai digunakan sebagai bahan BBM guru. 

Kumpulan Munir dan Ayatul 

Mereka membangunkan perisian Sains Darjah 5 Water Cycle. Perisian yang kemas dan cantik. Banyak animasi berwarna warni. Tetapi mendapat bayak teguran oleh Encik Juhazreen antaranya simulasi yang tidak sekata, kesalahan ejaan. Kredit untuk kumpulan ini kerana telah berjumpa dengan 3 kumpulan pakar, pengguna dan pembangun. Respon dari kumpulan tersebut telah mereka gunakan untuk memperbaiki perisian mereka. Tahniah.

Kumpulan Mohd Fadlee, Masni dan Halizah

Kami memilih pelajar pendidikan Khas sebagai respondan. Perisian kami khas untuk mata pelajaran Kemahiran Pertukangan Pendidikan Khas.
Ada sedikit kesalahan ejaan (memperolehi ~ memperoleh) yang memang tidak disengajakan. Terima kasih Cikgu Murad dan Cikgu Faridanura atas teguran. Isu copyright ditegur oleh Encik Zul kerana kami guna karakter Boboi boy dalam perisian. Terima kasih, tapi tak mengapa sebab kami tak jual software ni, saje utk belajar dan enjoy.

Setelah 14 minggu belajar, hari ini merupakan hari terakhir kuliah kami. Alhamdulillah, banyak ilmu yang telah dipelajari. Terima kasih pada Puan Norasyikin dan Encik Juhazreen. Hanya Allah sahaja yang dapat membalas jasa anda berdua.

Sebelum bersurai, kami sempat diberitahu tentang tips peperiksaan dan pesanan Encik Juhazreen supaya Final document dan CD perisian perlu dihantar  pada hari peperiksaan subjek Pembangunan Multimedia berasaskan CD-ROM.

Refleksi Minggu 13


Kuliah hari ini adalah tentang Multimedia Development Project.

Documentation of MM Dev. Project
  • In a Multimedia Development Project, documentation is another important matter to be performed.
  • It is an important step to allow all facts and figures regarding the development and process to be document
  • It is the record for all the steps, procedures,activities
  • Skipping this documentation process could cause problems in the future, e.g : whenever details of the completed project is needed for some reasons such as upgrading etc.
  • The document of the multimedia development project is to be kept properly and systematically by the developer or probably provided with the program cd if necessary.
Normally, a Multimedia Development project will have three types of document :
1.       Planning/Design Document
2.       Support Document
3.       Final Document
Support Document
It normally contains :
How to use this CD/Program/Product
Technical requirements (softwae or hardware)
Installation guide (if necessary)
Final Document
·         A final document is a document that reports the improvements that have been applied on the Multimedia project.
·         It include all the formative assessments outcomes, reviews, tests reports, minutes of group meeting and decisions made, and improvements made to the project.
·         For this project, the final report is referred to as the report of the completed multimedia courseware.
·         It report all activities and tasks undertaken by each group member throught the development process.
·         In short, the final report that needs to be prepared will have these elements :
o   An introduction to the report
o   Group meeting (date, discussion topics, decision)
o   Suggestion gathered from peers (if any)
o   Comments and suggestion from prototype presentation
o   Testing & Formative evaluation report
·         Improvements/changes made from the original planning document (eg : new design, flowchart, storyboard etc)
·         Problems & Issue faced throughout the development process
·         Reflection of group members on the Multimedia Project development product

Refleksi Minggu 12

Kuliah hari ini adalah tentang Distribution of Multimedia Courseware.

Discussion Topics

  • Technique and Methods for multimedia application distribution
  • Marketing strategy
Distribution Technique & Methods
  • squeezing large amount of files and data into small capacity storage is a waste of effort and resources
  • Therefore, high capacity storage media, then are needed for multimedia courseware distribution. The available possibilities are:
    • magneto-optical disks (CDROM/DVD/Bluray)
    • Flash storage (pendrive)
    • Networks (cloud storage)
  Marketing Strategy

  • Understand the customer
  • Analyze Market
  • Analyze Competition
  • Research Distribution
  • Define Marketing Mix
  • Financial Analysis
  • Review & Revise
Social Media Marketing
  • Multi way (brand <> customer, customer <> customer)
  • Participating
  • User generated
Traditional Marketing
  • One way (brand to customer)
  • Push and interrupt
  • Brand generated

Refleksi Minggu 11


Cuti semester dan cuti sekolah.
Rehat sekejap setelah  10 minggu kuliah dan 
40 minggu sekolah.
Masa untuk bersama keluarga.

Refleksi minggu ke 10

Hari ini kami sambung belajar tajuk Evaluation and Testing.

Apa itu Pengujian dan Penilaian
Pengujian melibatkan penyesuaian  satu set kriteria yang telah ditetapkan terhadap sesuatu persembahan bagi mengenalpasti sesuatu masalah.

Proses penilaian melibatkan aspek yang lebih luas di mana ia bukan hanya melihat kepada masalah tertentu tetapi peningkatan aspek rekabentuk semasa proses pembangunan atau setelah sesebuah projek pembangunan aplikasi berakhir.

Proses pengujian perlu dilaksanakan berdasarkan beberapa faktor utama, antaranya :
  • mengelakkan kegagalan aplikasi semasa digunakan oleh pengguna.
  • mengelakkan kerugian dari segi kos dan masa pembangunan.
  • membolehkan kualiti sesebuah aplikasi dipertingkatkan lagi.

Terdapat dua fasa pengujian utama iaitu:
a) Pengujian Pembangunan
b) Pengujian Penerimaan

Jenis-Jenis Penilaian dalam Pembangunan Perisian Multimedia
a) Penilaian Formatif
b) Penilaian Sumatif
c) Penilaian Iluminatif
d) Penilaian Integratif

Kaedah Melaksanakan Proses Penilaian
a) Pemerhatian
b) Temubual
c) Soal selidik

Penilaian dalam pembangunan perisian multimedia merupakan suatu proses yang perlu dilaksanakan bagi mendapatkan maklum balas daripada pengguna atau daripada pelajar. Ia bagi memastikan agar proses menguji dan menilai dapat dibuat dan segala bentuk kelemahan dapat diperbaiki bagi memantap dan mempertingkatkan lagi kualiti sesebuah perisian yang dibangunkan.

Rujukan :

Jamalludin haru, Baharuddin Aris dan Zaidatun Tasir, Pembangunan Perisian Multimedia : Satu Pendekatan Sistematik, Venton Publishing

Refleksi Minggu Ke 9

Bersiap untuk membentangkan prototaip perisian. Sebagai pembangun... saya adalah orang yang paling sibuk. Perbincangan yang tak putus-putus dengan Masni dan Halizah... membantu menghasilkan prototaip in. Idea mencurah-curah, terima kasih Allah... Tapi kemampuan dan masa agak terbatas. 

 Tugas kami - Demo perisian yang dibangunkan - Terangkan sedikit tajuk, sasaran, teori yang digunakan.

Insya Allah prototaip ini akan sentiasa diperbaiki sesuai dengan keperluan dan perbincangan yang telah dibuat bersama rakan sekumpulan.

Hari untuk mempersembahkan prototaip projek. Kami diberi masa 15 minit untuk mempresent projek kami.
Berikut adalah antaramuka pengguna perisian.

Antaramuka login
Antaramuka menu pilihan

Antaramuka peralatan

Antaramuka kuiz

Pelbagai komen telah diterima. Antaranya kurangkan penggunaan banyak tulisan dan kombinasi warna tidak sesuai. Secara keseluruhan, Encik Juhazreen menerima prototaip kami. Syukurlah...

Fasa pembangunan diteruskan. Hari-hari sibuk menjelang cuti sekolah sudah bermula... Cukupkan lah masa kami Ya Allah.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Refleksi Minggu Ke 8


Pengujian dalam Pembangunan Perisian Multimedia
Pengujian bermaksud menjalankan penilaian atau pemerhatian terhadap aplikasi yang dibangunkan untuk menentukan samada ia menepati spesifikasi yang telah ditetapkan serta memenuhi kehendak pengguna.
Ini termasuklah dari sudut struktur dan isi kandungan aplikasi, rekabentuk antaramuka dan  sistem penerokaan, interaktiviti dan sebagainya.

Terdapat dua fasa pengujian utama yang sering dilaksanakan iaitu :

  • pengujian pembangunan - dilakukan semasa proses pembangunan dilaksanakan
  • pengujian penerimaan - dilakukan untuk memastikan perisian dibina mampu beroperasi tanpa sebarang kegagalan.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Refleksi Minggu Ke 7


Kami tidak ke UTM kerana tiada kuliah... Menyiapkan tugasan di sekolah Halizah. Minggu depan kami dikehendaki membentangkan prototaip.

Bersama Masni dan Halizah, saya menunjukkan beberapa antaramuka yang telah saya siapkan berdasarkan storyboard yang telah dibuat sebelum ini.

Banyak komen dia org, tapi ok je... Untuk penambahbaikan.

Sesi perbincangan tamat jam 530. Kerja disambung di rumah.

Refleksi Minggu 6


Kuliah hari ini dimulakan dengan sesi penerangan untuk proposal projek perisian kami.
Kumpulan saya terdiri daripada Masni, Halizah dan saya sendiri. Kami pilih tajuk


Perisian ini adalah sambungan daripada hasil kajian kami sem lepas. Sem lepas, dalam subjek Research Method... kami pilih tajuk penggunaan ICT dalam pdp Pendidikan Khas. Memang sangat kurang perisian utk pelajar Pendidikan Khas. Sebagai guru Pendidikan Khas... saya sangat teruja untuk membina perisian untuk mereka.

Kami berpeluang untuk mengingatkan semula bagaimana untuk membina carta alir dan papan cerita.
Berikut adalah contoh carta alir untuk proses Bunyi Loceng Alarm.

Papan Cerita

Kesimpulannya, carta alir digunakan untuk menunjukkaan aliran perisian.
Papan cerita menunjukkan interaksi di dalam perisian.
Tiada kuliah pada minggu hadapan. Kami dikehendaki menyiapkan proposal dan prototaip perisian untuk dibentang pada kelas berikutnya.

Refleksi Minggu Ke 5

Salam kembali, kuliah hari ni kami belajar tentang rekabentuk visual pula.

VISUAL DESIGN terdiri daripada teks, gambar, grafik, animasi, warna dan bentuk.
Rekabentuk visual sangat penting untuk menarik perhatian pengguna.

Visual Design : Planning how your web site will look

colours will look good together on your courseware?
What fonts or styles you will use for the written part of your courseware?
What graphics and multimedia effects are needed?
How will all of these elements be combined or arrange into an attractive layout?


Elements of User Interface
A background that reflects the theme.

  • colours or image
Foreground elements that reflects the theme
  • content and links (title, headings, sub headings, body text, ilulstrations, captions)
Other elements that support the theme
  • text, images, buttons, navigation bars, animation, video

Critical tasks of Visual Design
  • Define the visual theme and style
  • Design a system of screen layouts
  • Create the structural elements of each screen
  • Create the control elements (back, next)
  • Integrate the media elements
  • Create PROTOTYPE screens - using storyboard
How Contents Defines Style
Target user young children - bright colours, cartoon like, 
modern, business like masukkan simbol, warna utk mewakili tema tertentu cth jam merujuk masa
Focus on meta-style
Focus on stylistic unity NOT uniformity

Scan from top left to bottom right
Assume that items "above" have primacy over items "below"
Look for more to come signals at the bottom center or right
(button next, back, home diletakkan di bawah interface)

Skrin tak semestinya penuh dengan image, text, grafik, yang penting ialah maklumat sampai kepada pengguna.

pastikan ada kaitan antara latarbelakang dengan maklumat yang ingin disampaikan kepada pengguna

Windows and Panel
dalam satu paparan, disediakan panel tertentu utk membahagikan windows kepada beberapa bahagian... gunakan paparan transparent

Buttons, Icon & Controls
  1. Need to be clear but doesn't have to mean predictable or dull
  2. Controls are an opportunity to involve users in the content and to amuse and entertain them.
  • keep it simple
    • limit number of fonts per screen and per courseware
    • use the same fonts consistently throughout the courseware
  • Make good font choices
    • commoly installed fonts
    • mood
    • readability

Refleksi Minggu 4

Salam semua.

Kuliah hari ini diambil alih oleh Encik Juhazren b Junaidi. Alhamdulillah, Puan Norasyikin bin Mohd Zaid telah selamat melahirkan bayi lelaki.

Topik kuliah hari ini ialah Rekabentuk Interaksi (Interaction Design)
Ia berkisar tentang bagaimana mahu mereka bentuk sebuah perisian yang mesra pengguna. Interaksi antara perisian dengan pengguna.
In design, human–computer interaction, and software development, interaction design, often abbreviated IxD, is "about shaping digital things for people’s use", alternately defined as "the practice of designing interactive digital products, environments, systems, and services." Like many other design fields interaction design also has an interest in form but its main focus is on behavior. What clearly marks interaction design as a design field as opposed to a science or engineering field is that it is synthesis and imagining things as they might be, more so than focusing on how things are.
Interaction design is heavily focused on satisfying the needs and desires of the people who will use the product.Where other disciplines like software engineering have a heavy focus on designing for technical stakeholders of a project.

 The Five Dimensions of Interaction Design

The dimensions of interaction Design was first introduced in the introduction of the book Designing Interactions. Gillian Crampton Smith stated that there were four dimensions to an interaction design language. An additional fifth dimension was added by Kevin Silver.

1D Words

This dimension defines the interactions. Words are the interaction that users use to interact with.

2D Visual Representations

The visual representations are the things that the user interacts with on the interface. These may include but not limited to "typography, diagrams, icons, and other graphics"

3D Physical objects or space

The space with which the user interacts is the third dimension of interaction design. It defines the space or objects "with which or within which users interact with"

4D Time

The time with which the user interacts with the interface. Some examples of this are "content that changes over time such as sound, video, or animation"

5D Behavior

The behavior defines the users actions reaction to the interface and how they respond to it.

Interaction design pattern

Interaction design patterns are a way to describe solutions to common usability or accessibility problems in a specific context.They document interaction models that make it easier for users to understand an interface and accomplish their tasks.

Reasons to use design patterns

Benefits of using interaction design patterns include:
  • Teaching novices some best practices and common approaches
  • Capturing collective wisdom of designers across many uses and scenarios
  • Giving teams a common language, reducing misunderstandings that arise from different vocabulary
  • Reducing time and costs in the design and development lifecycle
  • Making usable designs the "path of least resistance"
  • Eliminate wasted time spent "reinventing the wheel"
  • Ensuring users have a consistent and predictable experience within an application or service

Advantages over design guidelines

Guidelines are generally more useful for describing requirements whereas patterns are useful tools for those who need to translate requirements to specific software solutions. Some people consider design guidelines as an instance of interaction design pattern as they are also common approach of capturing experience in interaction design. However, interaction design patterns usually have the following advantages over design guidelines:
  1. Abstract guidelines, like the Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design by Shneiderman, do not suggest how to solve a problem like many interaction design pattern, and cannot be used for interdisciplinary communication. Furthermore, guidelines do not provide an explanation as to why a particular solution works.
  2. Concrete guidelines, like Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines, are too tailored to a specific interface, and therefore are not as effective when applied to other interfaces (especially non-Macintosh interfaces).
  3. Other problems with guidelines are that they tend to be too numerous which makes it difficult for designers to apply the right guidelines. Also guidelines assume an absolute validity while usually they can only be applied in a particular context. A result of that is also that guidelines often tend to conflict just because they lack describing a context.
Guidelines and patterns are not necessarily conflicting, and both can be used in conjunction to identify the problem and then create a valid solution.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Refleksi Minggu 3 Bhgn 2

The production of interactive multimedia applications is a complex one, involving multiple steps. This process can be divided into the following phases: 
  1. Conceptualization 
  2. Development plan 
  3. Preproduction 
  4. Production 
  5. Postproduction 
  6. Documentation

The process of making multimedia starts with an "idea" or better described as "the vision" - which is the conceptual starting point.
Conceptualization involves: 
  1. Identifying a relevant theme for the multimedia title. 
  2. Availability of content 
  3. How amenable is the content to multimedia treatment 
  4. Issues like copyright are also to be considered.

Defining project goals and objectives
Specific goals, objectives and activities matrix must be laid down.
Goals: In multimedia production goals are general statements of anticipated project outcomes, usually more global in scope.
Objectives: Specific statements of anticipated project outcomes.
Activities: These are actions, things done in order to implement an objective.
  • Specific people are responsible for their execution, 
  • a cost is related to their implementation 
  • There is a time frame binding their development.
Defining the Target Audience
A very important element that needs to be defined at this stage is the potential target audience of the proposed title since, this will determine how the content needs to be presented.

The process of intelligently mapping out a cohesive strategy for the entire multimedia project, including:
content, technical execution and marketing.
The Production Manager undertakes the following activities.
  1. Development of the budget control system 
  2. Hiring of all specialists involved in the multimedia development process 
  3. Contracting video and audio production crews and recording studios 
  4. Equipment rental, leasing and purchasing 
  5. Software acquisition and installation 
  6. Planning the research work of the content specialists 
  7. Development of the multimedia 
  8.  application outline 
  9. schedules 
  10. Coordination of legal aspects of production

Activities in this phase include:
  1. Content Research 
  2. Interface Design 
  3. Graphics Development 
  4. Selection of musical background and sound recording 
  5. Development of computer animation 
  6. Production of digital video 
  7. Authoring

In this phase, the multimedia application enters the:
Alpha and beta testing process.
1.    Alpha:
Testing conducted internally by the manufacturer
Takes a new product through a protocol of testing procedures to verify product functionality and capability.
2.    Beta:
The second-stage test-version, which is distributed free to a limited sample of users so that they can subject it to daily use and report any problems to the manufacturer.
After the "bugs" are fixed, the final version of the program is released to the general public.
Once the application is tested and revised, it enters the packaging stage.
It could be burned into a CD-ROM or published on the internet as a website.

User documentation is a very important feature of high-end multimedia titles.
This includes:
1.    Instructions for installing
2.    System requirement
3.    Developing acknowledgments
4.    Copyrights
5.    Technical support and other information important for the user.

Refleksi Minggu 3 Bhgn 1

Multimedia enhances the way we learn and understand about things.
Integration of multiple media such as text, audio, video, graphics and animation together multiply the impact of the message

Multimedia Production Team  

Production Manager
  1. The role of the production manager in a multimedia production is to define, coordinate and facilitate the production of the multimedia project. 
  2. Characteristic of good production manager:
  • Able to coordinate and facilitate the production
  • Possess knowledge of the basic principles of multimedia authoring
  • Skilled proposal writer
  • Good negotiator
  • Conversant with relevant legal issue
  • Good communication skill
  • Budget management skill
  • Experience in human resource and overall business management  
Content Specialist
  1. Responsible for performing all necessary research concerning the content of the proposed application.
  2. Program content can be described as:
  • The specific information, data, graphics 
  • Facts to be presented through the multimedia production. 
Script Writer
  1. Video and film scripts present a linear sequence of events.
  2. In multimedia production, the medium has the capability of presenting events in a non-linear fashion by branching in different directions and establishing linkages between different sections or components of the program.  
  3. The scriptwriter of a multimedia production needs to visualize this almost three-dimensional environment and integration of virtual reality into the product.
  Text Editor
  1. The content of a multimedia production, like a book or a film, needs to flow in a logical fashion and the text must be structurally and grammatically correct. 
  2. Text and narration will be integrated as part of the application and the development of documentation for the application must be considered. 
  3. All of the text related elements need to be revised by the text editor.
 Multimedia Architect (or Program Authoring Specialist)

  1. The multimedia architect is the team member responsible for integrating all the multimedia elements (graphics, text, audio, music, video, photos and animation) by using an authoring program.
 Computer Graphic Artist
  1. The computer graphic artist is responsible for the graphic elements of the program - such as backgrounds, buttons, photo collages - and the manipulation and editing of pictures, 3-D objects, logos, animation, and etc 
 Audio Video Specialist 
  1. The audio specialist is responsible for recording and editing: narration; selecting, recording or editing sound effects; recording and editing music. 
  2. The video specialist is responsible for video capturing, editing and digitizing.
 Computer Programmer
  1. The task of the computer programmer in a multimedia development team is the programming of code lines or scripts in the authoring language